[Martin Plaut, 9 Nov, 2015] Europe’s refugee crisis and the Horn of Africa Martin Plaut[1] This paper is a brief summary of the some of the key issues facing EU decision makers as they prepare for Wednesday’s African Union – EU summit on migration in Valletta.
Invitation to Civil Society Event on the Valletta Summit
Date: 11 November 2015 Time: 9.30 – 12.00hrs Venue: Old University, St Paul Street, Valletta Aditus Foundation, Integra Foundation and Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Malta, in collaboration with the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) Europe and the Migration and Development civil society (MADE) network in Africa, invite you to attend the civil society event on the…
Open Letter to Rt Hon. David Cameron MP
HRCE director, Elizabeth Chyrum, sends an open letter to Rt Hon. David Cameron MP expressing deep concern on the Home Office’s permission of the UKBA to use a completely discredited Danish report as the criteria for determining the outcome of applications filed by Eritrean asylum-seekers who have fled…
Global Journalist: Eritrea’s continuing crackdown
(Global Journalist) Eritrea is sometimes described as “the North Korea of Africa.” And it’s a deserved title. The tiny nation, located on the continent’s northeastern coast bordering Ethiopia, Sudan, and Djibouti is ranked dead last out of 180 countries on Reporters’ Without Borders’ World Press Freedom Index.…