Eritrean Refugees in Libya: Forced to Clear Land Mines

Human Rights Concern – Eritrea has received several disturbing reports from Libya concerning the abusive treatment of Eritrean refugees in  that country: 1) 76 Eritrean refugees in Libya are being used to clear land mines in Sirte, the home town of the late Gaddafi. The refugees…

International Women’s Day, March 8

International Women’s Day, March 8 , is intended as a day of celebration for the economic and social achievements of women around the world, especially, as designated by the United Nations, in terms of political and human rights.

Sudan Blames Foreigners For Human-Trafficking Proliferation

The controversy over human trafficking in eastern Sudan has escalated, raising concerns with the state and throughout society. A minister accused “a mafia” from an Arab tribe and Yemeni and Egyptian individuals of being involved in the trafficking. Unrelatedly, the security situation in some areas in…

Eritreans Risk Organ Harvesting and Death to be Free

I heard Elsa Chyrum, founder of Human Rights Concern Eritrea (HRCE) in London, speak at the Eritrean Community Center in Boston on January 19, 2013 about the human trafficking of Eritrean refugees in Africa and the Middle East.  Horrifying. This is a transcription of Ms. Chyrum’s…

Speech by Elsa Chyrum at Dr Martin Luther King’s Birthday Celebration

Dear brothers and sisters, We have come here today to celebrate and remember the life of a fine Minster, a leader in America’s civil rights movement, a symbol of protest for racial justice, a husband, a father and a Nobel Peace Prize winner, Dr Martin Luther…

Eritrea: Mining Investors Risk Use of Forced Labor

(Toronto) – International mining firms rushing to invest in Eritrea’s burgeoning minerals sector risk involvement in serious abuses unless they take strong preventive measures. The failure of the Vancouver-based company Nevsun Resources to ensure that forced labor would not be used during construction of its Eritrea…

Elizabeth (Elsa) Chyrum: A woman of the year 2012

We, at, would like to emphasize what a difference Elsa Chyrum has made this yea as a Human Rights Activist, to the cause of Eritrea’s human rights situation. Elsa has done a lot in helping refugees stranded in nowhere; in highlighting the lawlessness of the…

Eritrean Refugees Risk Death to Escape Tyranny

Eritrean Refugees Risk Death to Escape Tyranny The Eritrean Community Center (ECC) will host two internationally known human right activists for a special program on the exploding refugee crisis in the northeast African country of Eritrea at the Eritrean Community Center, 590 Shawmut Ave., Boston on…