HRCE: An Open Letter to Mr. Louis Mazel
Dear Mr. Louis Mazel, I write in response to your comments following your visit to Bisha Mine in Eritrea: I understand that you and your team visited Bisha Mine on November 21 -22, 2015. According to your account, it was an “eye opener” visit. Your…
USCRI: Forgotten Refugees- Eritrean children in Northern Ethiopia
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants released this report on its findings and recommendations on the plight of the forgotten Eritrean refugees in Norhthern Ethiopia. Please find the full report on the link below. Ref:
Eritrean Conscripts Are Not Slaves
Recently, the Information Minister of Eritrea, Mr Yemane Gebermeskel, confirmed that indefinite National Service is going to remain without fundamental change, but that the government is planning to increase the present very low wages paid to conscripts: Eritrea won’t shorten national service despite migration fears.