Practical Recommendations for the Management of Assemblies

(Human Rights Council report March 2016, A/HRC/31/66) The ability to assemble and act collectively is vital to democratic, economic, social and personal development, to the expression of ideas and to fostering engaged citizenry. Assemblies can make a positive contribution to the development of democratic systems and,…

Report on the State of Human Rights in Eritrea 2016

( & HRCE, January 31, 2017) Eritrea is a one-party state and it has been ruled by a transitional government since 1991. Ironically enough the name of the ruling party is: People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ) and it has been mis(led) by President Isaias Afewerki…

Home Office Eritrea Guidance Softened to Reduce Asylum Seeker Numbers

(, Diane Taylor, January 22, 2017) The government downplayed the risk of human rights abuses in one of the world’s most repressive regimes in an attempt to reduce asylum seeker numbers despite doubts from its own experts, internal documents have revealed.

How Truth Can Be Twisted to Reveal a Glossy and Idealised Image

A Reply to the Statement by Eritrea’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Osman Salih, on Human Rights Day 2016 Whatever his ultimate purpose, Eritrean Foreign Minister, Osman Salih, did at least reveal the true nature of the ground-breaking 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), “to set…

Eritrea: Release Patriarch Abune Antonios

(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), January 18, 2017) WASHINGTON, D.C. – January 20, 2017 marks the 11-year anniversary of the Eritrean government’s illegal removal of Abune Antonios as the rightful Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Church, the nation’s largest religious community. The Patriarch has…

‘The Long Arm of the Eritrean Regime’ – Official Dutch Report

(Martin Plaut, December 16, 2016) This report, commissioned by the Dutch government, describes the activities of the Eritrean regime inside the Netherlands. It looks at the Eritrean community in the country, describes Eritrean organisations and their activities, and how the government in Asmara exercises control through…

Europe’s African ‘Wall’ Now Almost Complete

(Martin Plaut and Leonard Vincent, January 16, 2017) It may not be a physical barrier comparable to Donald Trump’s wall to prevent Mexicans from reaching the USA, but it is nearly in place. Europe is close to sealing the routes refugees and migrants take across the…

Letter to Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegne

RE: Eritrean journalists who have been languishing in an unknown Ethiopian prison His Excellency Mr. Hailemaraim Desalegn Prime Minister Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Office of the Prime Minster Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 6 January 2017 Open letter to Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn Your Excellency, I am writing…

Elsa Chyrum

Recognizing Individuals: A Step Towards Transparency recently posted on article on recognizing the efforts of the men and women who are working tirelessly to realise the dream of a Just Eritrea. HRCE’s director, Ms. Elsa Chyrum, was graciously featured on the post. It begins by saying: Let’s pause and consider ourselves…

No More EU Deals to Keep Migrants Out

(, Andrea Stocchiero, Jessica Poh-Janrell, December 11, 2016) The EU’s new partnership with Third World countries, modelled on the controversial Turkey deal, and trust funds to limit migration and return refugees to their home countries, have little safeguards for human rights, argue Jessica Poh-Janrell and Andrea Stocchiero…