HRCE Welcomes the EU Parliament Resolution of 6th July 2017 on Eritrea

Human Rights Concern-Eritrea (HRCE) warmly welcomes the  European Parliament Resolution of 6th July 2017 on Eritrea and calls on the EU Commission and all member states to take action in accordance with all its recommendations. In the context of the invaluable work of the UN Special…

European Parliament Resolution on Eritrea:

European Parliament Resolution on Eritrea European Parliament resolution of 6 July 2017 on Eritrea, notably the cases of Abune Antonios and Dawit Isaak (2017/2755(RSP)) The European Parliament, –  having regard to its previous resolutions on Eritrea, in particular that of 15 September 2011 on Eritrea: the case…


Crimes Against Humanity Has Been Committed by the Eritrean Government Nothing Has Changed in Eritrea! • Eritreans are tortured every day; • Eritreans are executed in silence; • Eritreans are arbitrarily detained under harsh conditions; • Eritreans are disappearing Daily; • Eritreans are held to an…

Open Letter: Progress in the Education System of Eritrea

Dear Sir/Madam, We believe that you will have received an invitation to attend a Side-Event organized by the Permanent Mission of Eritrea to the United Nations Office in Geneva, scheduled to take place, today, Friday 9th June 2017, from 14:30 – 16:30, Conference Room IX, at…

To Celebrate the Anniversary of Our Independence…

On 24th May 2017, it will be 26 years since Eritrea gained its independence! Should there not be great rejoicing? Let us see what we may celebrate…With hard-won independence, we would expect, above all … freedom…… Yet Eritreans enjoy less freedom than any other country’s citizens,…

Eritrea: Protest Vigil Marks 15th Year of Campaign of Repression Against Christians

Representatives of churches and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from the UK and Ireland joined members of the Eritrean diaspora in a Protest Vigil outside the Eritrean embassy in London on 18 May, to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the imposition of severe restrictions on Eritrea’s Christian community…

Report on Women’s Rights Violations in Eritrea – HRCE Report 1/2017

8 March 2017 – This report was launched on the 8 th of March 2017, on International Women’s Day, a day the world celebrates the courage, determination, resilience, strength and achievements of women of all status, while calling for an improved protection of women’s rights and…