Category: Letters

An Open Letter to Ms. Amina Mohammed, the UN Deputy General Secretary

United Nations New York, N.Y. 4 November 2019 Dear Deputy General Secretary, It is good to hear of your visit to Eritrea and the welcome you received there. How strange that not a single member of the UN Human Rights Council has ever been invited or allowed…

Letter to President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi,   Office of the President, Al Ittihadia Palace,  CAIRO ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT                                                                                                                           6 August 2019 Email: Your Excellency, Re: Incommunicado Detention of Five Eritrean Refugees in Cairo I am writing to you on behalf of five Eritrean refugees arrested in…

Letter to Mr. Antonio Manuel de Carvalho Vitorino

Mr Antonio Manuel de Carvalho Ferreira Vitorino Director General International Organisation for Migration (IOM) 17 Route de Marillons PO Box 17 CH 1211 Geneva Switzerland Dear Mr. Antonio Manuel de Carvalho Vitorino,  Re:  Repatriation of Eritrean Refugees from Libya Human Rights Concern Eritrea request that the International…

Open Letter to His Excellency Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

Your Excellency, We at Human Rights Concern-Eritrea wish to congratulate you on your efforts to forge a lasting peace with Eritrea, concluding an agreement which promises to end 20 years of state of hostilities following the border war which killed over 100,000 people. And we also…

A Letter to Dr. Abiy Ahmed

Your Excellency Dr. Abiy Ahmed Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia   cc: The Honorable Ambassador Dr. Hailemichael Aberra Afework      London, United Kingdom    23 November 2018   Dear Prime Minster Abiy Ahmed, Re:  The peace process and relations between Ethiopia…

Open letter to Member States of the United Nations General Assembly

Dear members of the UN General Assembly, We are writing to you with a sense of considerable urgency to raise the issue of Eritrea’s possible future membership of the UN Human Rights Council. We understand that the Eritrean government has submitted an application to be elected…