Author: HRCE

Their Voice Is Ours… Their Suffering Too!

Whenever March 8 arrives, we are reminded of the inequalities and oppressions generated and sustained by dominant patriarchal systems and the celebrations of incessant struggles waged by courageous women. On that day, news sources and events around the world talk about particular women or women who…

Elizabeth/ Elsa Chyrum: Human Rights Activist (Eritrea)

On 20 June 2009, Elsa Chyrum, a human rights activist and advocate forEritrean refugees all over the world, has received a DistinguishedMedal Award of Excellence from the Eritrean Community For Human Rightsand Refugee Protection in a symposium organized by Eritrean GlobalSolidarity in recognition of her human…

Memories of a dreadful time

We were young and naïve… The idea of starting a newspaper or a magazine came in a veryinformal way in a rather casual setting. We were having coffee indowntown Asmara at Bar Bereket with my friend school mate MedhanieHaile. I used to be an assistant editor…

A Refugee At last

I was born and grew up in Asmara, a city whose loveaffair never ends; it resonates in my heart in every second of myjourney to seek refuge elsewhere. I have attended my primary, highschool and University classes there. It is a place where I have seen…